Monday, March 29, 2010

Mom is leaving

When I had my oldest daughter, my mom came to stay for about a week to help us get settled in, help us take care of little Bean, cook and clean, and do all the things that moms make seem so effortless. I really appreciated her help and when she announced it was time to go back home, I cried and told her I didn’t want her to go. It’s not that I didn’t think I could do it, I was fairly certain after the first few days I could handle Bean. It was as simple as….she is my mom and everything feels better when she is there. I have always been close to my parents, and have always appreciated everything they have done for me. So when we decided to move to England, I am sure it was not top on the list of where my parents wanted their daughter and her family to move, being so far away. But they have been supportive and understanding. I can only hope and pray that I have the same relationship with my children as they get older. My mom has been here with us in England for almost two weeks, helping us get settled, helping us cook, clean, sort and put away things. She leaves tomorrow morning. I don’t think she realizes how much I have appreciated her being here. We have had some fun while she was here –finding our way around our town, going into London and Manchester, and we have laughed a lot. But we have also shared some bad moments too – a flat tire, learning to drive on the wrong side of the street, minor meltdowns (mine), cranky children adjusting to the new house and time zone. And I am glad she was here for the good and the bad. I didn’t need to pretend I was ok, when I was not ok. I know I was cranky and probably hard to deal with the first few jetlagged, sleep deprived days. And I am positive I will not handle her leaving very well. I got tears in my eyes at Hyde Park yesterday when she put her arm around me and said – we will skype every day. I feel like this has been an extended vacation and when she leaves, we should all be leaving too. But yesterday when we were leaving London to get on the train, I said to her, I am ready to be home now. Then I thought about what I had just said….I meant this place, this cute little house in England. The place I am sitting right now, on my new couch, typing this. I meant my new temporary home. I am sure there are many times I will want to go back home to the US, the other expats have already warned me about the homesickness that will come. The good thing is, I have the best and most supportive husband in the world and two wonderful children. And it struck me…I will miss my mom and dad so much, I will cry (a lot I am sure), but I also know I will be ok, just like I was when Bean was born.