Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today on the way to school Bean says to me - "you know what they call jump rope here? Skip roping. My friend made fun of me for calling it a jump rope so I said - you can say it your way and I will say it my way --I am an American, but we can still be friends." She has not really mentioned too many word differences the last two weeks but now that she is back in school I am sure she will start noticing things again. Another thing hubby and I worry about is that she will be confused by the way they spell words here vs in the US. She is a smart girl though - I am sure she will adjust...she just won't be winning any spelling bees here or in the US any time soon.
One thing I have mentioned in passing is how pretty it is here, but I don't think I have done the description justice. It is really, very beautiful here. Flowers, green spaces, parks, big older trees, beautiful old buildings, brick driveways. You only have to take a walk to notice. We went exploring on Sunday since it was another pretty, sunny, non-rainy day (four in a row now, but who is counting? Could this be a change in the weather pattern or just a coincidence? And did I just jinx us by mentioning it?) Back to the exploring...down the street from our house is a park and just past the park are several paths. On Sunday we took a path that took us to the center of the village that we live in, and past Bean’s school. I took some pictures of the girls along the way and you can notice in the background of the pictures how pretty and scenic it is. Anyone up for a visit to jolly old England? Our guest room is open!